Staff need to ensure progress for structural reforms: MoI Union Minister

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Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn, accompanied by Deputy Minister U Ye Tint and other departmental officials of the respective region and state attended the ceremony of an expansion of IPRD’s set-up and drafting procedures yesterday.
First, a 10-minute video clip of the activities conducted by IPRD was played.
Then, the Union Minister made an opening speech. He said the IPRD of the Ministry of Information was established in January 1991 and on the occasion of its 30th anniversary, it could expand its organizational structure. More than 1,000 employees of the department will be promoted. The Prime Minister allowed such doing for the benefit of the country and people and to improve the future of the departmental staff.
The employees should make efforts to establish Myanmar society based on wisdom. Only with high knowledge can the people know the right and wrong things, including advantages and disadvantages.
The Union Minister also highlighted the role of the public in building a democratic system and the media means to get the right knowledge and thinking skills for the people.
He also stressed the need to create good activities of the ministry with full responsibilities, adopt innovative ways instead of old methods and provide proper services to achieve public recognition.
He urged the staff to try hard in the industry in respect of the goodwill of the State and Prime Minister for an institutional expansion.
He then said the COVID-19 pandemic would not disappear fully and the people have to coexist with the disease. Therefore, the employees must follow the health rules.
Director-General U Aye Kywe of IPRD clarified the departmental constitution reforms and future work plans.
Next, Deputy Minister U Ye Tint expressed words of thanks for expanding the department set-up and congratulated the department and staff on their achievements. He also urged them to strive for skills development as the ranks are promoted, to be honest, and dutiful leaders and to lead the junior staff in the right way.
The ceremony came to an end with a concluding remark of the Union Minister.
For structural reforms of the IPRD, it can promote the information sector, public knowledge awareness promoting sector, public relations and public services than before. — MNA

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