Operate agriculture and livestock tasks for fulfilling food supplies to people


Prices of foodstuff and personal goods which are essential for all families are gradually increasing because of high manufacturing costs as restrictions are still imposed on all sectors starting from the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fortunately, the high prices of goods cannot bring the condition of shortages of food supplies to the people at a dangerous level as Myanmar produces agricultural and livestock products as well as basic foodstuffs at home.
Not only local authorities but charitable organizations sell foodstuffs to the people and public service personnel in public areas of Yangon Region with the aim of enabling the people to have good food supplies. As such, remaining regions and states need to take an example of commodity sales from the Yangon Region to apply such a system in their areas for the sake of the people.
In fact, agriculture and livestock tasks are playing a crucial role in the production of basic foodstuffs for the entire people. As agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides are imported for the farmlands to increase the per-acre yield of crops, relevant authorities need to educate the farmers to efficiently use the natural fertilizers in their farms.
The excessive volume of fertilizers cannot support the plants for thriving but withering and then causing dead. Hence, farmers need to take care of using fertilizers and pesticides in farmlands. Indeed, the use of the systematic ratio for the inputs will help the plants to remarkably thriving.
The encouragement of local authorities to local farmers is one of the important factors to enhance the capability of local farmers so as to boost the per-acre yield of crops. Hence, those authorities should speak work of thanks and provide necessary aid to farmers to improve the farming works.
Farmers can enjoy the fruits of agricultural tasks at first and then can earn income. As part of the food supply chain, the manufacturing of agricultural products helps the people have a better food supply process and contribute much to the prevention, control and treatment of COVID-19.

The people need to work for their daily lives. Their productivity must benefit them as well as the whole country. Efforts for doing something must have the right to earn income. Overall, only when the country is wealthy, will it enable to powerfully fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The people need to work for their daily lives. Their productivity must benefit them as well as the whole country. Efforts for doing something must have the right to earn income. Overall, only when the country is wealthy, will it enable to powerfully fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

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