Curfew imposed in Homalin township amid fear of COVID-19 spread


Homalin township has been placed under an 11 am to 3 pm curfew as part of the efforts to control the spread of COVID-19, it is learnt.
Homalin Township General Administrative Department released the announcement on 22 August. During the pandemic, Homalin township has recorded 1,601 cases of COVID-19 and 73 deaths. There is no sign of decline yet.
Those living in the stay-at-home areas must follow rules issued by the authority. Apart from the civil servant, company staff and factory workers, only one person must go outside for shopping. If they have to go to clinics or hospitals, two people per household are permitted. For buying food using a vehicle, a driver and another one are permitted. To go to clinics using a vehicle, a driver plus two are permitted.
Action can be taken against violators under the Penal Code or the natural disaster management law or other existing laws, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation.
The statement of curfew orders is effective until 31 August. Homalin township was declared under stay-at-home rules starting from 3 July, according to the announcement of the Ministry of Health. — Aye Maung/GNLM

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