Open generous mind for all with pardon and forgiveness

Everybody should uphold the generosity in relations with others by opening the mind for their relatives and friends in addition to neighbouring people.
They have an excellent practice with forgiveness and tolerance over others in all cases without grudge against the opponents. Their minds should be kept away from grievance, bitterness, rancour, disgruntlement, pique, umbrage, dissatisfaction, bad feelings, hard feelings, resentment, ill feelings, ill will and so on.
Those wishing to become the generous persons should have to wash their dirt minds. They need to forge their minds to be generosity. Gradually, they would have the capacity to influence over others with generous mind. If so, they will be the noble persons. Their powerful minds can easily remove the negative attitudes for malpractice such as envy, deceitfulness, slander, etc. from their souls. Hence, those persons can be dubbed as generous ones.
The persons forging the generous minds will automatically culture the compassion and loving-kindness over attacks, assault and battery and encroachment committed by others. If so, their enemies would change their minds to frankly associate with those generous persons. In facts, the generosity and compassion can conquer over all.

The mind of generous person can shape the world to be peaceful and tranquil. So, all the global peoples should try hard to realize the practice of generosity to be able to shape the world in peace and tranquility.

Opening the generous mind is similar to the empty drum which can admit everything to its full brim. Those persons have the endurance and tolerance over others. Nature of their minds is always peaceful and tranquil without any frats. Even if the generous persons face the impolite and rude acts, they can analyze the motivation of these moves to be transformed into the useful ones based on the pardon and forgiveness. Despite no expectation to get the benefits, the generous persons will have to enjoy the chances in touch of the opened mind. It is because the generous persons are ready to pardon for the misdeeds of opponents.
Everybody should try hard to improve themselves to become generous persons with new mind-set whereas the generous persons need to open their minds for forging forgiveness and compassion over malpractices and misdeeds of opponents and those standing on opposite site.
The mind of generous person can shape the world to be peaceful and tranquil. So, all the global peoples should try hard to realize the practice of generosity to be able to shape the world in peace and tranquility.

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