Columnist of VOA and Frontier Myanmar, freelance reporter of BBC arrested

The security forces arrested Aung San (aka) Sithu Aung Myint, house writer of VOA and Frontier Myanmar, who was charged with Penal Code section 505-a, and Htet Htet Khine, freelance journalist of BBC at Room-9 of Building-12 at Shwegon Yeikmon Housing on Kaba Aye Pagoda road of Ko Min Ko Chin Ward in Bahan Township of Yangon Region on 15 August.
They carried out media and propaganda works at the apartment of Shwegon Yeikmon housing together as of third week of March 2021.
Aung San (aka) Sithu Aung Myint, house writer of VOA and Frontier Myanmar wrote articles criticizing the Tatmadaw for VOA and Frontier Myanmar media outlets after Tatmadaw took State responsibilities, posted articles criticizing the State Administration Council, incitements against government employees to join CDM, supportive manners for terrorist groups NUG/CRPH, false information and fake news regarding Aungbalay lottery sold by the State on his social network page called Sithu Aung Myint as creating misunderstanding among the people. Therefore, he was charged under Penal Code section 505-a.
Similarly, Htet Htet Khine allowed suspect Aung San (aka) Sithu Aung Myint at her house and she served as volunteer editor for Federal FM daily launched by NUG.
Therefore, suspect Aung San (aka) Sithu Aung Myint was prosecuted under Penal Code section 124(a) in addition to section 505-a while Htet Htet Khine under Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Association Act.—MNA

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