Carefully nurture children with good practices of democracy


Since early childhood, parents and guardians as well as the authorities should carefully nurture the children to comprehensively understand the basic practices of democracy.
Todays’ children will be adult in the future to serve the duty of the country. To be able to walk along the correct path of life, those children should be undergone training and nurturing under supervision of the experienced adults and the authorities.
While passing the student life, those children must be taught the rights and liability of democracy. Dos and don’ts in the democracy must be given to the children. As such, they will have the capability to analyze all the moves in the democratization process. They have to keep a concept in mind that undisciplined acts are shameful in democracy.
In contrast, children must be nurtured with knowledge of democracy to uphold the concept not to commit acts of bulling, assaulting, encroaching and imposing pressure, coercion and threats into others. In addition, they must have the knowledge to esteem the mental and physical movements of others regardless of poorness and richness.

To have a good practice of democracy, those children must be nurtured with the public ethics. Such kind of ethic will steer them how to associate with the people with politeness, critical thinking, rationality and skill of analysis.

The children must be taught basic lessons of democracy in school syllabus at different levels to be familiar with the democratic ethics. Parents and teachers need to provide norms and standards of democracy to the students. The elderly need to share their experiences of democracy to new generations so as to firmly stronghold the democracy in the society.
The lessons on bulling in democracy and extreme democracy must be given to the children. As such, they will have the capability to exercise the democracy without dancing to the tune of others and without following the persuasion of others.
To have a good practice of democracy, those children must be nurtured with the public ethics. Such kind of ethic will steer them how to associate with the people with politeness, critical thinking, rationality and skill of analysis.
In fact, all the adults are responsible for building the nation. Likewise, all the youths are responsible for supporting the adults. At the same time, all the children are responsible for learning the practices of democracy. All in all, the entire ethnic nationals are responsible for shaping the democratic country.

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