Fake news spreader arrested for tarnishing image of security forces

Fake news sskm

Security forces perform the duties of the State peace and stability, the rule of law and security for the life and property of the people day and night. In contrast, destructionists commit the spreading of rumours and fake news in various ways with attempts to discredit the people.
The fake news was spread that security forces inspected a vehicle carrying seven men, including Ko Win Di, in front of the New Day filling station in Setsan Ward of Pazundaung Township in Yangon Region at about 9:45 pm on 24 May and seized an iphone 12 Promax from Ko Win Di.
In the incident, Ko Win Di from No 47 in Ward 8 of Bo Saw Naung Road in Dagon Myothit (East) Township and six friends went to a restaurant in Pazundaung Township on 24 May evening. At about 9:45 pm, they drove and left there. On arrival at the New Day filling station, the security forces searched their vehicle and allowed them to proceed due to lack of any suspicions. Those persons spent the night at Comet Hotel on Upper Pazundaung Road in Pazundaung Township where iphone 12 Promax of Ko Win Di lost. So, Ko Win Di accused the security forces of beating him and seizing his phone in searching the car and spread the fake news to tarnish the image of the security forces.
The process is underway to open a lawsuit file against the fake news spreader under the law. —MNA

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