CBM governor virtually joins 49th ACU’s BOD meeting

U Than Nyein NS

Central Bank of Myanmar Governor U Than Nyein joined the virtual meeting of the 49th Asian Clearing Union’s Board of Directors yesterday.
The meeting chair Bhutan firstly made an opening speech and transferred the chairmanship to India. Then, the leaders kept holding the ACU Board of Directors meeting.
The meeting discussed matters pertaining to the economic status of ACU member countries, efforts and reports of ACU Secretary-General in trading among the member countries in 2020FY, the important role of non-bank financial institutions, proper methods to resolve the current challenges, hardships of exporters and importers who adopt ACU system and building of Web-based Application.
They also focused on ACU Agreement and Procedure Rules regarding the use of Japanese Yen in ACU system, payment and clearing system of ACU and nomination of ACU chair and vice chair for 2022-2023.
The ACU member countries are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. – MNA

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