Try the best to serve the people


State service personnel are those discharging duties of the State and the people for their interests. So, they are dubbed as State service personnel as well as public service personnel. They deserve to take pride in their duty in carrying out their respective jobs with goodwill.
Images of noble State service personnel were dirty in political changes in February 2021. While some politicians focusing on destruction acts committed incitements for CDM activity, some personnel were absent at workplaces. Those service personnel joined CDM activity based on emotional feeling, provocation, misunderstanding and coercion.
It is uneasy for being a noble staff. They have been serving their duties with skilful techniques for a long time. The government waited in a patient manner for the personnel to have a proper conscience for the sake of the State and the people.
Service personnel must have diverse attitudes and concepts to conscientiously serve the State and the people with noble spirits in any government eras.
Currently, the government emphasizes the resumption of workplaces and the reopening of people’s hospitals and schools.
Regrettably, medical doctors, nurses, health staff and teachers were absent at workplaces.
Reportedly, they were imposed coercion to join CDM and worried about action to be taken when they return to workplaces.
The government informed the staff about filing complaints on coercion and threats and pledged to protect them. Hence, they need to abide by the disciplines of the personnel.
Personnel who did not commit crimes should return to workplaces for serving their duties. Especially, patients are waiting for health staff while students remember teachers.
Some hospitals are closed as medical doctors join CDM activity. Local people seek help from the Tatmadaw for health care services. Tatmadaw government allows the staff wishing to return to workplaces.
Only when they do not continue serving will substitute staff be appointed in vacant posts. That is why personnel are requested to join the workplaces for reopening schools and hospitals for public interests.
Service personnel are urged to resume serving duties for the State and public interests without political colours and wrong attitudes.

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