Violent attackers destroy public housings, State-owned buildings

A rioter driving a motorbike threw a handmade mine into U Myat Kyaw’s compound (former military personnel) in Nyaunggon Ward 5 of Pekon in Shan State (South) at about 7 pm on 3 April and drove away. It exploded near Super Custom vehicle stationed in front of the house. The lower part of the vehicle front door on the right side was damaged in the blast. No human and animal were injured in the incident.
Two violent attackers threw a homemade firebomb made of PVC pipe at Myanma Economic Bank on Thumingala Road in Zawana Ward of Thingangyun Township at about 12:55 pm on 4 April. The blast in front of the bank did not cause any injuries.
At about 7:50 pm on 4 April, a fire broke out at the ward administration office in Nyaungphyu Sakhan Ward in Taunggyi. While security forces and firefighters put out the fire using ten fire trucks, Aung Paing Htwe (aka) Aung Paing, son of U Zaw Nyunt, bumped firefighters with his Toyota Mark-II vehicle. When he was arrested, two broken petroleum bottles and three bottles in good condition were seized aboard the car. Three injured firefighters were sent to the local military hospital to receive medical treatment.
At 7:20 am on 4 April, a violent attacker threw a fire bottle at the ward administration office in Thiri Khema Ward in Mon State’s Ye Township. Security forces and firefighters put out the fire using a fire truck and a water bowser. The fire destroyed an office table, a chair and other documents.
At 11.08 pm on 4 April, a fire broke out at the ward administration office at the corner of Shwepyitha 2nd street and Bayint Naung Road in Ward 32 of Dagon Myothit (North) Township.
Security forces found Maung Oo, son of U Khin Than, of Ward 32 in Dagon Myothit (North) dead in the building. An investigation is being conducted for the outbreak of fire.
Efforts are being made for taking action against arrestees and those who committed destruction acts against State-owned buildings and public houses under the law.—MNA

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