2024 Inter-States & Regions Swimming Championship opened

PSA 8295 sskm
State Administration Council members warmly greet the athletes yesterday.

An opening ceremony of the 2024 Inter-States & Region Swimming Championship was held at the Wunna Theikdhi swimming pool in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
Union Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs U Min Thein Zan spoke on the occasion that swimming is a compulsory sport, like athletics, weightlifting and boxing in major international sports competitions such as the World Olympic Games, the Asian Games and the Southeast Asian Games.
Through this competition, the Union minister urged the youths to try to become good athletes who will be able to strengthen the Myanmar national team, and the Union minister opened the 2024 Inter-States & Region Swimming Championship.
Swimming athletes then recited four Sports Pledge. Next, State Administration Council members, Union Minister U Min Thein Zan and officials greeted the athletes and enjoyed the competitions.
A total of 11 male and 11 female teams are competing in the championship with the aim of promoting swimming sports across the nation. — MNA/KZL

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