18 Irrawaddy dolphins spotted in Ayeyawady River near Mingun, Mandalay

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The photo shows some Irrawaddy dolphins grazing on the Ayeyawady River.

The Irrawaddy Dolphin Protected Area near Mandalay and Mingun is home to up to 18 Irrawaddy dolphins during the high water of Ayeyawady River, according to U Maung Maung Lay, leader of the Irrawaddy Dolphin Protection Group of the Fisheries Department (Mandalay Region).
The Irrawaddy dolphins are grazing in the Mandalay-Kyaukmyaung area, and they are observed and recorded three times a month.
“During the high water level of the Ayeyawady River, the Irrawaddy dolphins move from one place to another. Before the rainy season, the Irrawaddy dolphins used to live and graze in flocks near Myaysun village of Madaya Township. Now, when the river is high, Irrawaddy dolphins have moved to Mandalay and Mingun because there is plenty of feeds for them. Local travellers who want to see the Irrawaddy dolphins can come and observe them. During this period, no deaths or births of dolphins have been recorded. We have also instructed fishermen and villagers in the surrounding area to inform our team if they see baby dolphins,” said U Maung Maung Lay.
According to field observations made by the Irrawaddy Dolphin Conservation Group in the second week of June, up to 18 Irrawaddy dolphins are living and grazing in the Mingun area. — ASH/MKKS

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