18 deaths in YBS accidents reported from January to mid-May

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YBS collided with a box truck in Dagon Myothit (East) in Yangon Region on 30 January.

From January to 15 May 2024, there were 32 YBS accidents, leaving 18 dead, according to statistics released by the Yangon Region Public Transport Committee (YRTC).
Thirty-seven were wounded in these accidents. Of these accidents, there were seven deaths and four injuries in pedestrian accidents and two deaths from falling out of the bus. There were three injuries and four deaths in collisions with bicycles, five injuries and two deaths in collisions with motorcycles, one injury and two deaths in collisions with taxis, 15 injuries and one death in collision with private cars and nine injuries in crashes with street lampposts.
In order to regulate YBS buses to run in accordance with traffic rules, inspections have been carried out in the region on a daily basis, based at 16 bus stops, along with eight combined teams comprised of three districts. From 1 January to 15 May 2024, monthly violations of traffic rules by YBS companies were 23,892 cases, said YRTC joint secretary U Lyan Cing Mang.
From January to May, YRTC recorded and took action against 22,417 cases: 453 cases were exceeding limited speed, 140 cases were not driving in compliance with the specified route, 301 cases were complaints, 209 cases were overtaking, 143 cases were running a red light, 91 cases were reckless driving, 99 were other cases, 35 cases were prolonged stops, three cases were complaints from Facebook, and one case was unethical behaving.
YRTC has also taken action against buses for violating rules, having driver assistants, and overcharging. — MT/ZS/ED

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