15th Ministerial Meeting for United Nations Biodiversity Conference held

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The MNREC Union Minister participates in the 15th Ministerial Meeting for United Nations Biodiversity Conference via videoconferencing.

The 15th Ministerial Meeting for the United Nations Biodiversity Conference was held in Kunming, the People’s Republic of China on the afternoon of 12 October under the title of “Ecological Transformation for a Shared Future for All Life on Earth”.
Union Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation U Khin Maung Yi and party attended the conference via videoconference system.
Minister of Ecology and Environment Mr Huang Runqiu of the People’s Republic of China acted as a coordinator during the opening ceremony.
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Executive Director Ms Inger Anerson and Secretary-General of the Convention on Biological Diversity Ms Elizabeth Maruma Mrema gave the opening remarks.
At the meeting, Union Minister U Khin Maung Yi expressed issues on forest sustainability in Myanmar, degraded forests and restoration of ecosystems, biodiversity conservation, Myanmar’s 10-year reforestation project to accelerate rural livelihoods and mitigate climate change mitigation.
“A 10-year plan for the restoration of habitats for wildlife is being implemented with state funds. At present, 46 natural reserves have been formed in 6.08 per cent of the national area and work is underway to expand to 10 per cent of the national area,” the Union Minister said.
“Myanmar is actively participating in the plan as the United Nations “Decade of Ecological Restoration” begins in 2021. We are focusing on the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems and the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, by addressing environmental and forestry issues through nature-based solutions”.
“In 2018, the “Law on the Protection of Biodiversity and Protected Areas was enacted” and discussions were being held to develop the management of protected areas with the participation of local people,” the Union Minister added.
The meeting was attended by ministers and representatives from the UN Biodiversity Conference member countries, heads of UN agencies, and representatives from international organizations. — MNA

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