This year’s mango crop likely to depend solely on domestic market

photo 2024 04 25 16 11 27
Freshly-harvested Seintalone mangos are showcased in the market.

Mango will need to rely more on the domestic market in this year’s mango season, said an official from the Myanmar Mango Producers and Exporters Association.
It is expensive to export by air to overseas markets, and cross-border export may take too long and will not get a reasonable price if fruits get damaged when they arrive at the market. Due to these reasons, it is likely to rely more on the domestic market and also needs to observe the capability of some exporters, she said.
“It is probable that mango needs to rely more on the local market this year. It was exported to both local and foreign markets in previous years, especially to the Chinese market. But currently, the cost is too high if it is exported by air, so it is inconvenient for farmers. We predict the fruit will need to rely on the domestic market. Fruits will not be fine if they are transported through the border, which may take at least five days, and they will not get a good price if they perish. So we have to wait and see whether we are able to export to overseas markets,” she said.
Currently, in the local market, the price per tonne of Seintalone weighing 150 grammes each is from K1.2 million to about 1.3 million, and the cost varies depending on one gramme, she said. The price per tonne of mango is from K1.7 million to K1.8 million, she added. Moreover, farmers have to bear more costs this year due to rising fertilizer prices and labour charges, she said.
“Seintalone mangos get ripe now, but not much. We have prepared to start picking at the end of the month or the first day of next month. In the past, plastic bags for bagging mangos cost only K20-K30 a bag. Now the price per bag is about K60. Fertilizer prices rise about triple, and labour charges become at least double. Farmers have to bear many times more cost than before,” she said. — MT/ZS/Ed

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